Smart access solutions

With the Kentix Access 
systems to manage access.

Solve challenges,
create solutions


ideal for

office, warehouse, industry
indoor and outdoor
escape and fire doors
easy networking
integration in IP networks
expandable up to 5000 users
and 16.000 doors


Completely encrypted
Controllable via web and app
Integrates alarm systems
Video recording on entry



for office and commercial buildings

The protection of office and business premises and the sensitive data they contain against unauthorised access starts at the door. With conventional locking systems, access cannot be logged, time-limited or centrally managed. This is different with SmartAccess solutions from Kentix.

With the Kentix DoorLock® you have full control: With different door opener variants and individually adjustable time-user profiles, an access solution can be created individually according to your needs.
The special feature of this system is the easy and flexible upgrade, without special tools or structural measures. The system includes radio-controlled and equally wired elements that can be easily combined into a centrally managed system.


Access logbook

The management of the AccessManager is very simple. With the help of access and time profiles, it is possible to define in detail which user is authorised to open certain doors at which times. Accordingly, an access profile always includes a selected time profile for one or more doors.
Of course, any number of access profiles can be individually assigned to each user. This creates maximum flexibility for setting the desired authorisations. Particularly with larger systems, this is a necessity that is often requested in practice and can be carried out here in an uncomplicated and clear manner.

The centre: AccessManager

The DoorLock AccessManager forms the central control unit of the access solution. The AccessManager provides its own web server via which the desired configurations can be set using a web browser (HTTPS), e.g. via WLAN or Ethernet.
One AccessManager manages up to 16 doors and 5000 users. By networking AccessManagers (up to 999 AccessManagers), a system expansion of up to 15,000 doors can be realised.
Access to the doors takes place on site via RFID chip. If the AccessManager is also connected to the Kentix360 Cloud, access is also possible via the Kentix App with a smartphone. Of course, the cloud connection also allows remote opening to be set, e.g. if an employee has forgotten their chip, does not have a smartphone with them or only remote opening should be permitted for a certain area.

Individual time profile for each user

LDAP configuration interface

LDAP Nutzerprofil

Integration of network directory services

In addition to the creation of new users directly in the AccessManager or the import of users with the help of .csv files, the Kentix DoorLock system offers even more. In addition to the above procedures, the creation of users is possible through the integration of the directory services Microsoft Active Directory (AD) and the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).

The authorisation accounts in the Kentix DoorLock system are thus simply imported and synchronised via AD or LDAP. This saves time and costs in access management. Access authorisations can be managed centrally in this way and access authorisations are denied or granted based on the existing user profiles.

The web-based login to Kenix access control always takes place with authentication to the directory service, which means that multiple passwords are no longer necessary. However, not only the pure authorisation is managed via the Active Directory, but it can also be decided who has access when and where. Especially for companies where users or authorisations change, this is a real relief for the administration. Through regular synchronisation and short updates via Active Directory, the administrator can also manage constantly changing authorisations with little effort.

All-In-One access start-up package


StarterSet DoorLock

With the StarterSet-DoorLock, you get all the components you need to make a door online-capable and lay the foundation for a comprehensive access system. A StarterSet allows you to manage access authorisations for up to 16 doors. Additional doors can be added at any time without any problems.
Technical data:
  • Online doorknob with radio
  • AccessPoint with PoE
  • Web server - App - Kentix360 Cloud
  • E-mail - SNMP - Video
  • Up to 5,000 authorisations
  • Easy installation
  • Expandability
  • 1 x AccessManager
  • 1 x Basic radio door knob (IP55)
  • 1 x Master card set
  • 1 x Slim-Line patch cable 3 m 
  • IT-networkable online access system
  • Up to 5,000 users with individual time and door authorisation profiles
  • Remote opening via web server or app
  • Documentation of accesses with video sequence
  • Integrated radio, radio range approx. 25m
  • Arming/disarming of the alarm system via AlarmManager
  • Video recording of access